Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Drum Miking Techniques with Les Camacho (NEW TUTORIAL)

01.08.07 NEW TUTORIAL: Drum Miking Techniques with Les Camacho

__For the studio engineer there is no more complex a job than properly miking a drum kit. Join veteran recording engineer Les Camacho and accomplished drummer Jonathan Gorman as they demonstrate the microphones and techniques used for miking a drum kit, in the recording studio. Les will demonstrate how to listen critically, finding the “sweet spot” of each drum type, what type of microphone is best suited for each drum, how to “audition” and then fine tune the microphone placement. Utilizing three different setups: entry-level microphones, mid-range microphones and high-end microphones, Les shows you how to best capture the dynamics of the drum kit no matter what your microphone budget is.

__Les Camacho is a multitalented and experienced Los Angeles-based audio engineer with credits that include artists such as Massive Attack, The Killers, Pink Floyd, Alan Parsons and Fleetwood Mac just to name a few. Les' first big gig was running sound for Nick Mason (Pink Floyd's drummer) on Pink Floyd's 1994 World Tour. A consummate professional, he really understands how to preserve the ""live"" sound of a band while in the studio.


_ said...

Les is a great guy and an awesome engineer! I had the pleasure of hanging out with him last night as he ran the sound for the Coda Vesta A&R Showcase.

Check out the photo here; http://www.gbrulte.com/blog/coda-vesta-showcase/

Torrey "Tact Boogie" Adams said...

I've sat with Les in the studio and have witnessed some of his patented techniques. Great post! Thanks!

KhyKel Music

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