Friday, October 26, 2007

What's new this week Oct. 26th

Sorry, I need to get better at updating. I have a great reason though, if it really matters. We've been busy creating new titles for

Yesterday we filmed a title on the Line 6 Low Down Bass Amp with Jonathan Ahrens. Look for that one in the next couple of weeks at the latest.

It looks like we are finally going to post the Line 6 Spider III and Spider Valve tutorials.

New titles added this week are the "Preparing for Mastering" with Grammy Nominated Mastering Engineer Ron McMaster (Capitol Mastering). He did a great job explaining the nitty-gritty of the too-often-overlooked as aspect to remember for mastering your projects. Also added is the Antares Auto-Tune title with Jeff Dykhouse.

Teddy Campbell just finished up another Drum Tuning title for us. Why another drum tuning title you ask. Well, there were some things that we felt we left out from the first one, based on your feedback. So, we got the incredible Teddy Campbell to show us the ropes.

Carmen Rizzo also has a couple of more titles that are currently in editing. Look for those in the coming weeks.

Within a week you should see a title on Podcasting, The POK, EQ basics followed by a What's New in Reason 4.

Stay tuned for more giveaways. Next week we will announce all the winners from our How To Relic A Guitar giveaway. Over the next year we will be giving away NI Software, Audix Mics, M-Audio gear, Behringer gear as well as a custom built pedal board designed and built by Phil O'Keefe.

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