Thursday, January 24, 2008

House of Blues - Anaheim was honored to have co-sponsored EM House of Blues - Anaheim party along with Electronic Musician and Euphonix, during the NAMM '08 show. Carmen Rizzo DJ'ed the party and did a spectacular job. If you have never heard Carmen live, you have really missed out. Even the staff at the House of Blues told us that, this was the best private party that had been held at the HoB-Anaheim. Nice to know that we had a part in that.

It was at this event that we first saw the AudioCubes (Percussa) in use. If guys have to check these things out.

1 comment:

dancilhoney said...

House of Blues Guy are nice. They have a mixed bag of talent appearing there. From national headline performers, to punk bands, to private parties